Thursday, April 01, 2010


I think some recipes are truly cursed. This for example. You see, instead of the text you are reading, there was another much more interesting. But once I had composed the whole message on the Internet, and despite the fact that I had saved it, something tripped. There was a progression about me being sure that this recipe would work well. I said when I felt confident and I had much hope for the result, and chose the best ingredients to be sure I - and others - would enjoy the experience. 

After that I added that I found a recipe of chocolate and toffee cookie on the blog Chocolate & cetera that totally seduced me, mainly because I'm trying to use typically English ingredients. And I confessed how everything had failed during cooking. How the caramel had exploded, how I had a rash on the baking sheet and how I was quite relieved that my sister on Skype could hear my reaction. 

So after that, all I can say is that despite their terrifying odd appearance, distressing even, these ones are actually biscuits / brownies / cookies altogether, and deserve to be tasted. Anyway, I have no intention to withdraw and with a little luck, some people may enjoy them.

Ingredients for thirty Fudgy Yamas
(I found the name myself, quite à-propos) :
90g flour
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
40g dark chocolate (chips or homemade crushed)
40g fudge cut into small cubes (about 7)
75g salted butter, softened
85g unrefined Brown sugar

Sift together all dry ingredients. In a bowl, beat the softened butter with sugar, then gradually pour dry ingredients. Do not mix too long, just enough so that everything is integrated. When done, pour the chocolate chips and fudge and mix with a fork. 

The batter should allow you to make sausages by hand without sticking to your fingers. Make them 3-4 cm in diameter, wrap in cling film and place them in the fridge for a few hours. I had the opportunity to go to Stratford-upon-Avon with my brother and friends, and brought back some old-fashioned candy (for baking, of course!).

So when you're back, you turn your oven to 170°C. From there you take out your chocolate sausages, cut them into slices 1 cm thick, put them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and you bake for 8 minutes. This time it was enough to have a blast. But if you don't want any, I can't assure you that they'll be cooked if you take them out any sooner.

Detail from The Wave, by Katsushiba Hokusai, 1823-29.

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